brkgaAPI: A C++ application programming interface for biased random-key genetic algorithms

Rodrigo F. Toso and Mauricio G. C. Resende

brkgaAPI is an efficient and easy-to-use object oriented application programming interface for the algorithmic framework of biased random-key genetic  algorithms.  brkgaAPI automatically handles the large portion of problem-independent modules that are part of the framework, including population management and evolutionary dynamics, leaving to the user the task of implementing a problem-dependent procedure to convert a vector of random keys into a solution to the underlying optimization problem.  brkgaAPI is written in the C++ programming language and may benefit from shared-memory parallelism when available.

Downloads:   tech report [PDF: 225k]       source code [ brkgaAPI-src.tar.gz: 12k ]

Note: brkgaAPI can be used freely for research purposes.  Commercial use may require a license.