Short biography of Mauricio G. C. Resende

Updated: 2015 December 30


Mauricio G. C. Resende was born in Maceió, Alagoas, in northeastern Brazil on July 27, 1955, son of Roberto Resende and Renalva de Carvalho Resende Renalva & Roberto on wedding day (1954-09-25). Renalva and Roberto in 1993.

Mauricio's parents on wedding day: 1954-09-25. Mauricio's parents in 1993.


Maceió, Brazil. Rio de Janeiro Mauricio with his mother in the 1950s
Mauricio was born in Maceió (Alagoas), Brazil Mauricio's home town is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Mauricio with his mother in the 1950s.


Baby Mauricio G. C. Resende He lived in Rio de Janeiro until age four, when he moved to the campus of Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, where his father was a professor.  Mauricio G. C  Resende in the 1950s.
Mauricio in March 1956.
Mauricio in 1958.


Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro


Roberto C. Resende in 1977 Marcio Resende at college graduation Brothers Roberto and Marcio were born in 1958 and 1961, respectively.
Mauricio's brother Roberto in 1977 Mauricio brother Marcio, on graduation day from the New England Conservatory in Boston


1963 family in midwest

Brothers watching TV
Mauricio with parents and brothers in Indianapolis in 1963 at Soldiers & Sailors Memorial

Mauricio watching TV with brothers Marcio and Roberto in Amherst in 1965


In 1962, Mauricio's father began graduate school in the U.S. and his family moved there with him for a four year period.  Roberto Resende earned a Master of Science in Food Science from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, in 1963, and a Ph.D. in Food Science and Technology, from the University of Massachusetts, in Amherst, Massachusetts in 1966.   Umass food science class of 1966
Mauricio attended 2nd grade through 5th grade during these years in the US.  At age eight,  Mauricio began playing the clarinet.  In the summer of 1965, Mauricio traveled to Canada with his family on a one-month camping trip.

Mauricio parents (standing, left) with classmates at UMASS in 1965.  Mauricio (middle, front row) with brother Marcio (second from left, front row) and Roberto (right, front row)


Moving back to Rio de Janeiro, Mauricio was enrolled at the American School (Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro) where he attended 6th grade through 12th grade, graduating in June 1973.  Mauricio & Renato on Rialto bridge in Venice
Mauricio Resende playing clarinet in Amhert.

Mauricio with Renato on Rialto bridge in Venice in 1972
Mauricio with his clarinet in Amherst (1965)


Gavea campus of Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro Mauricio traveled with friend Nigel Pegler  to England in 1971 and Renato Padovani to Europe (Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, France, and England) in 1972-3.  During these years Mauricio developed a passion for soccer, supporting Botafogo, and playing first- string goalkeeper at his high school. Mauricio traveled with his high school soccer and volleyball varsity teams to São Paulo, Buenos Aires (Argentina), and Lima (Peru).
Gávea campus of Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro


Botafogo supporters in Maracanã Stadium
Mauricio EARJ goalkeeper

Botafogo supporters in Maracanã Stadium
Mauricio playing soccer as goalkeeper in the 1970s


Mauricio graduates from EARJ


Mauricio graduates from Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro in June 1973


Mauricio studied at Curso Vetor from March to December 1973 preparing for the 1974 university entrance exams.  He passed to his first choice, engineering at PUC-Rio, the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.    Mauricio & friends in Bariloche
During two southern summers,  Mauricio traveled by car with friends to Chile, Argentina, and Paraguay (1975-6) and to the Amazon River and northeastern Brazil (1976-7).

Mauricio with travel companions George & Silvia near Bariiloche, Argentina (1976)


Mauricio on a farm in Chile
Mauricio & Silvia in the Atacama Desert in Chile
Mauricio & Silvia riding in Chile
Mauricio at a farm in Chile (1975) Mauricio in Chilean desert (1975) Mauricio horseback riding in Chile (1975)


Mauricio and Lucia in Rio in 1978
In June of 1978, he graduated with an Electrical Engineering degree with concentration in Systems Engineering. Pilotis of PUC in the 1970s
Mauricio with Lucia Polverelli in 1978
The "Pilotis"  at PUC-Rio, where Mauricio did his undergraduate studies in Electrical Engineering (Systems)


Mauricio at graduation mass in July 1978

Mauricio (first row, second from left) with 1978 Engineering graduating classmates at graduation mass in Rio de Janeiro


After graduating from PUC-Rio, Mauricio began dating his future wife, Lucia Polverelli. Two month later, he moved to Atlanta, Georgia and began a one-year Master of Science in Operations Research program at the Georgia Institute of Technology.  He graduated in August 1979. Mauricio & Lucia in Miguel Pereira
Lucia visited  Mauricio at Georgia Tech in July 1979.

Mauricio with Lucia in Miguel Pereira in July 1978


To celebrate passing his qualifying examination at Georgia Tech, Mauricio traveled to California and spent a week with his cousin Robson.  That was when he decided he wanted to go to a Califonrian university for his Ph.D. Mauricio online for the first time
Mauricio at GA Tech in 1979

Mauricio online first the first time in 1979 (Atlanta) Mauricio at Georgia Tech in 1979


Mauricio with Robson in California (1979) Mauricio in Muir Woods, California (1979) Upon returning to Rio in September 1979, Mauricio joined the Methods and Modeling  group at Furnas Centrais Elétricas, a large electrical power company.
Mauricio with cousin Robson in California (1979) Mauricio in Muir Woods, California (1979)


Mauricio at beach in Arraial o Cabo, Brazil

Mauricio at beach  near Rio de Janeiro in 1980.


In 1981, Mauricio married Lucia Polverelli.  Their wedding was in Rio de Janeiro.  They spent their honeymoon in Bariloche, Argentina. Mauricio with Jayme Guimarães in wedding reception Mauricio after half marathon in 1980

Mauricio with Jayme Guimarães during wedding reception Mauricio hydrating after half marathon on hot November day in 1980


Mauricio and Lucia wed on 16 August 1981. Lucia in Bariloche honeymoon. Lucia and Mauricio during Bariloche honeymoon.
Mauricio and Lucia wed on August 16, 1981 Lucia in Bariloche (Argentina) during honeymoon Lucia and Mauricio on honeymoon in Argentina


In August 1982, Mauricio and Lucia moved to California, where they enrolled at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at the University of California, Berkeley. Lucia Resende, who also studied Electrical Engineering (concentration in Systems Engineering) at PUC-Rio, earned a Master of Science in 1984 and a Ph.D. in 1988, both in Operations Research.  Mauricio studied under C. Roger Glassey on scheduling of semiconductor manufacturing, earning a Ph.D. in Operations Research in August 1987.


While at Berkeley, he also worked with Ilan Adler (together with Narendra Karmarkar and Geraldo Veiga) on Karmarkar's interior point algorithm for linear programming. At the Spring 1986 TIMS/ORSA meeting in Los Angeles, they presented the first empirical evidence that interior point methods could solve linear programs faster than the simplex method. Mauricio was a part-time consultant on semiconductor manufacturing scheduling at Fairchild Semiconductor Research in Palo Alto (California) from 1985 to 1987, where he developed a research simulator which was the basis for ManSimTM, a manufacturing simulator marketed by Tyecin Systems.  During the years at Berkeley, Mauricio and Lucia traveled numerous times to Rio, and once to Peru (Lima, Cuzco, and Machu Picchu) where Mauricio's father was on a United Nations assignment.


During the year following his Ph.D. Mauricio continued his research with Narendra Karmarkar on interior point methods, working as a full-time consultant at AT&T's Advanced Decision Support Systems (ADSS).  He also collaborated with Tom Feo, of the University of Texas at Austin, on the development of GRASP, publishing the first paper on this metaheuristic in 1989.


On December 31, 1987, Mauricio and Lucia's first child, a daughter, was born.  Sasha arrived when her mom still had nine months to go on her Ph.D. dissertation.


On August 3, 1991, Mauricio and Lucia's second child was born. This time it was a son, Alec.

In August 1988, Mauricio joined the Mathematical Foundations of Computing Department at the Mathematical Sciences Research Center of AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey.  He has remained in this department (which was renamed Algorithms and Optimization Research Department after the divestiture of AT&T and Lucent) until the present.


On August 25, 1999, Mauricio became a naturalized citizen of the United States of America.  He still maintains Brazilian citizenship.


Currently, he is a Lead Member of Technical Staff at the Algorithms and Optimization Research Department of the Internet and Network Systems Research Center of AT&T Labs Research.


He is on the editorial boards of Investigação Operacional - The Journal of the Portuguese Association of Operational Research, Pesquisa Operacional - The Journal of the Brazilian Operational Research Society, Combinatorial Algorithms Test Sets (CATS): The ACM/EATCS Platform for Experimental Research, Computational Optimization and Applications, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Investigación Operativa, Journal of Global Optimization, Journal of Heuristics, and Networks. He is a Permanent Member of the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science ( DIMACS) at Rutgers University and External Member of the Computational Optimization Research Center ( CORC) at Columbia University.


Mauricio's research interests include combinatorial optimization, engineering of algorithms, networks and graphs, interior point methods, massive data sets, mathematical programming, metaheuristics, network design, operations research modeling, and parallel computing.


Mauricio's work has taken him around the world, to the US (including Alaska), Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Uruguay, Austria, and Iceland.