Fortran subroutines for computing spproximate solutions of weighted MAX-SAT problems using GRASP

M. G. C. Resende, L. S. Pitsoulis, and P. M. Pardalos

Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 100, pp. 95-113, 2000.


This paper describes Fortran subroutines for computing approximate solutions to the weighted MAX-SAT problem using a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP).  The algorithm [Resende, Pitsoulis, and Pardalos, 1997] is briefly outlined and its implementation is discussed.  Usage of the subroutines is considered in detail.  The
subroutines are tested on a set of test problems, illustrating the tradeoff between running time and solution quality.

Source code of the FORTRAN subroutines can be downloaded.

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