A GRASP heuristic for the cooperative communication problem in ad hoc networks

C. Commander, C. A. S. Oliveira, P. M. Pardalos, and M. G. C. Resende

Proceedings of VI Metaheuristics International Conference, pp. 225-230, Vienna, August 2005.


Ad hoc networks are composed of a set of wireless units that can communicate directly, without the use of a pre-established server infrastructure. In an ad hoc network, each client has the capacity of accessing network nodes that are within its reach. This connectivity model allows the existence of networks without a predefined topology, reaching a different state every time a node changes its position.  We describe a GRASP for the cooperative communication problem in mobile ad hoc networks (CCPM), the problem of coordinating wireless users involved in a task that requires going from an initial location to a target location. The problem consists of maximizing the amount of connectivity among a set of users, subject to constraints on the maximum distance traveled, as well as restrictions on what types of movement can be performed.

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